Bridget Bickner

Bridget Bickner

Graduate Student
Bridget Bickner
I’m an evolutionary ecologist broadly interested in the interplay between reproductive strategies and environmental adaptation. As an undergraduate researcher with Eileen Hebets at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, I studied the efficacy of male mating strategies in Pisaurid spiders (Pisaurina mira and Dolomedes tenebrosus) to understand the costs and benefits of sexual cannibalism to sperm transfer dynamics and offspring provisioning. As a PhD candidate in the Organismic and Evolutionary Biology department, I work with Elena Kramer and Robin Hopkins on the correlated evolution of the flower size/number and seed size/number tradeoffs in Phlox wildflowers. Specifically, I aim to uncover the developmental and genetic basis and adaptive significance of ovule packaging variation in the genus.

Contact Information

Biological Labs, Rm. 1119
16 Divinity Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02138
p: 617-384-7820

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